What is Confidence?

What is Confidence?

Self-confidence is the relationship between abilities and performance.It is my understanding of my abilities and performance during adversity and the goals that I want to reach, so when you think “How will I know if I have self-confidence? How will I understand it? How will I know my abilities?”

Part of it is me reviewing myself, using the idea of introspection, asking myself what do I have? Will my abilities work or not? Part of it is through trial and error, where sometimes I might fail and at other times I will succeed, which will let me know if I can reach my goal or if there are things I need to change in myself or work on. When we think of self-confidence we have to think of being humble; some people think that being confident is being loud, or is being the one who always controls the atmosphere or setting, that is not necessarily true, some connect confidence to being arrogant.

On the contrary, when you’re confident and you know who you are, you can be really calm, down to earth, and patient, so you don’t need to prove yourself all the time, but when you have certain goals or a journey you want to explore, you will have the capability to see it through.What other characteristics are connected to self-confidence? As we mentioned being calm and patient but also determinant and hard working. Does that mean that I am stubborn?

Will I not accept rejection nor accept loss or failure? I can accept it, but I won’t let it stop me, I won’t be stubborn, I am aware and must understand and evaluate the situation; can I reach my goal now, or is there some other way to reach it?This evaluation means I have to look at my environment and assess the people in it, that’s when social skills come in, when I evaluate and compare my skills, the situation, and time, this all falls under the self-confidence skill.

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